Monday, May 01, 2006

Hapi Birdday to QiQi

just to Shout Out Loud Happy Bird Day to my lou Po QiQi
happy Bird Day to U....
U were Born in the Zuuu
With the Monkeys and Donkeys and turkeys in Hell
Happy bird Day to QiQi

enjoy ya.... have fun ya... kill more customers ya... send them straight off to Hell!


FQ said...

lou kong :D so sweet of you... tq so much!!! MUAKX!!!

Union Café® - Penang said...

Me say hapi bird day to u never kiss me also :(

Catz said...

aisks! lou po! wat going on with u and him????

tonmj said...

happy birthday qi qi!

FQ said...

nothing happen lou kong... u know him... sot wan... who also wan kiss :s who also wan touch :s

Union Café® - Penang said...

aiyaa.. we people veli pure one...
we kira lobang tak kira olang wan..